Data and Analytics

We are business consultants who get data. We have experience in all aspects of Data Lifecycle Management, and the processes and technologies that underpin this. We are also SMEs in the data that financial services organisations need to run their business –we know what good data looks like and how to keep it that way. We enable our clients to leverage their data for increased competitive advantage.

  • Domain expertise in all aspects of financial data - client, product, price, risk factors, financial data, operational/post trade data etc. We understand the data that is required, how best to extract it, and how it needs to be modelled/structured to meet requirements. We have the data engineering capability to ingest large data sets on a highly scalable basis

  • Advisory to define data governance frameworks and secure organisational buy-in. Implementation and tracking of data management metrics and data quality initiatives, with tooling to support improved processes and accelerate delivery eg data ontology and data quality management applications

  • Experience and expertise in data reconciliation, and analytical model development including quant-based analysis. We are also experts in data visualisation and reporting

  • Data Management Programme - UK Bank: the bank had defined high quality golden sources for reference data across the organisation, but utilisation of the golden sources was known to be patchy. Adsatis consultants undertook a structured survey of system owners to assess the situation, and to understand the key issues that were driving this. We developed tooling/hook ups that provided system owners with ‘easy access’ to the golden sources. Over an 18-month period the utilisation rate increased from sub 50% to more than 90% - this significantly improved operational efficiency and data consistency across the business.

    New Product Development - Data Management Company: our client was looking to introduce a new data product to the market and needed to create a highly scalable data factory to support this. Adsatis SMEs were engaged to define the business rules that drove the automated data record creation, and the manual processing procedures for data augmentation and data cleansing. The Adsatis team provided the training to roll out these rules to teams in low cost offshore locations. Our SMEs also established the data quality metrics and the QA process to monitor ongoing data quality. We then made recommendations on the refinement of automated and manual processes post launch of the service to improve operational efficiency and overall quality of the data service.